The Domino Effect in Fiction

Have you ever witnessed a domino show? It can be breathtakingly spectacular to witness thousands of carefully placed dominoes ready to topple with just the slightest push from one domino? And this doesn’t just showcase skill or engineering prowess; when used effectively dominoes can become powerful tools for storytelling!

Domino, (dom*i*n), is a flat rectangular tile designed for thumb size gaming that may either be left blank or marked with spots known as “pips,” consisting of one to six dots per tile; 28 such tiles make up one set. Dominoes may be used in various games involving blocking or scoring as well as being laid out in lines and patterns on tables or surfaces.

Double-six dominoes, in which each end is marked with six dots to distinguish it from its neighbor, are one type of variants commonly used for most games; there may also be additional variants tailored to specific circumstances.

Fiction writers find the domino image useful as it reminds them that plotting a novel ultimately comes down to reaction. If your heroine finds a clue that helps her start solving the mystery but her opposition fails to respond in an effective manner in subsequent scenes to raise tension and suspense, something may be amiss; each scene should act like a domino and propel forward towards its ultimate conclusion.

Tom Monaghan founded Domino’s in 1983 with one goal in mind: creating fast and cost-effective pizza that could be eaten quickly on the go. Since then, his vision has seen the company expand from a single store to an international chain with over 12,000 restaurants worldwide – yet its culture of customer focus remains intact as they adapt to deal with COVID-19 pandemic.

Domino’s leaders abide by the company’s core values, which are highlighted annually in their annual report. One such value is “Champion Our Customers,” which refers to listening closely and promptly resolving customer concerns and complaints.

Domino’s has taken steps to combat pandemic with measures including relaxing their dress code and creating an outlet for employees to communicate directly with management about any concerns that they have directly. Not only have these changes helped the company weather the pandemic more easily; but more importantly they have demonstrated to employees that their voices and opinions matter in any industry; including food services.

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