Hongkong Prize is one of the world’s premier writing contests and draws thousands of applicants annually. Winners can gain both financial prizes and international exposure. Before entering, be sure to read all applicable regulations carefully, in order to avoid making mistakes which would disqualify you from participating.

The Hong Kong Prize is an independent merit-based award that recognizes scientific research with significant social benefits. Past recipients have included journalists who investigate human rights abuses, activists fighting for democracy in their home countries and community service workers working with marginalized communities. Judging takes place using an expert panel which is free from sponsorship and personal interests.

Hong Kong’s brightest high school students are competing to win the Hong Kong Prize scholarship and experience an educational journey unlike any other. Scholarships are awarded to high-achieving students who excel both academically and extracurricular activities, with winners having access to top universities worldwide as well as industry leaders for meeting. Finalists will be judged based on written reports, level of participation in projects, systematic use of collected materials, objectivity in analysis and citation of bibliographies and footnotes; winners will also have an interview session with judges before being announced as winners!

Students interested in competing for a prize must submit a research report about Hong Kong’s history based on original research, detailing its development over time. This competition seeks to encourage young researchers from around Hong Kong and encourage them to study its rich heritage while making significant contributions to society.

Each student can choose an intriguing topic for his or her report and write an essay that addresses its importance and why it deserves further study. Furthermore, their essay must also include a research methodology and detailed account of how research was performed.

Five Hong Kong university scientists have won the prestigious BOCHK Science and Technology Innovation Prize 2024, an important award that promotes future technology innovation while aiding its economy transition. Award fields for consideration include artificial intelligence/robotics/lifescience/healthcare/new materials/energy/advanced manufacturing/fintech.

Commemorating George B. Endacott, who helped establish the Department of History as an essential and respected field of scholarship, the teachers and former teachers from within this department raised funds in his memory to support an annual prize for a postgraduate research student specializing in Hong Kong history. First place will go for papers covering any aspect of Hong Kong’s history from 1841 up until now while second prize goes for dissertations that address an important social issue related to Hong Kong – each prize winner receiving a cash award of HK$10,000 as prize.

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