Sydneysiders have been in turmoil over Sydney’s public pools for two years. Originally scheduled to open by 2022, this $70m project has been delayed amid council bickering and allegations of pork-barrelling. Heritage concerns, environmental and health organizations as well as public-spirited protesters all take up its cause and have rallied support – which now stands at 100m and no date set yet for opening day.

Projects that bring shame upon their city and cause widespread frustration among residents often leave many residents angry, but some believe the project could have been handled differently – Independent MP and North Sydney Mayor Zoe Baker is one such critic, voting against this vanity project and being one of 23 councillors to cast votes against it and has also lodged complaints with both OLG and Ombudsman in regards to it. “It isn’t in councils’ role or remit to undertake $60m-$70m projects – they are political power plays.” She describes these projects as political expediency that wasteful repriordinance compared with actual necessity – and concludes saying:

Visit Sydney’s coastal rock pools is an absolute must, where they have been formed by erosion on rocks and hidden away on seaside cliffs. Some, like Bondi Icebergs Pool that overlooks Bondi Beach, were even created by tide-created pools that offer safer swimming than riptide-strewn beaches.

North Sydney Olympic Pool was widely recognized as the wonder pool of Australasia when it first opened in 1936, earning itself the nickname “wonderpool of Australasia.” Since then, world records have been broken here to cheers from fans in its steep concrete grandstands; but today its facilities appear somewhat rundown and its locker rooms remain somewhat dimly lit.

One of Australia’s most striking tidal pools can be found at Coogee. Henry Alexander Wylie, a champion long distance and underwater swimmer, established Wylie’s Baths as part of the mixed-gender Wylie’s Baths complex in 1907. Its raised deck built into the cliff offers magnificent sweeping views across the Pacific Ocean including Wedding Cake Island. Nearby McIver’s Ladies Baths – Australia’s only ocean pool solely dedicated to women and children – also offer spectacular ocean pool experience.

Cabbage Tree Bay Eco Sculpture Walk on Sydney’s Northern Beaches features one of Sydney’s beautiful seaside pools – its tidal rock pool built in 1929! You can reach it via the promenade linking Manly and Shelly beaches; keep an eye out for Sea Nymphs sculpture!

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